Chronological History of Meany Lodge


author: Idona Kellogg

Note: sections extracted from Walt’s History removed.





Jan 20th-23rd 1976









January 6th - 7th
January 13th - 14th
January 20th - 21st
January 27th - 28th
February 3rd - 4th
February 10th - 11th
February 17th - 19th

Larry & Janice Gockel cooked (?) 1st MOFA class held at Meany Spring May 5th

Meany Ski Hut Spring Party: Maltby Community Center - Featuring Lyle Schaefer & Art Nation Potluck Dinner: 6 p.m Dancing: 8 - Midnight May 19th - 20th

2nd MOFA class held at Meany Summer July 14th - 15th

Telephone line vandalized (again)-Pacific NW Bell redid line Continued vandalism of phone line solved withPacific NW Bell’s help Chopped firewood Painted “Brushed” North & South Cleared brush on downhill slopes Improving & Marking Cross-Country ski trails Preventative maintenance of tows and snowcats Medium Tow - replaced motor and redid electrical wires New rope strung on Worm Tow August 12th

Annual Meany Family Picnic - Ray & Phyllis’ house Recognizing Tom’s contributions to Meany for over 30 years Driving Sno-Cat most weekend - Renamed Tom-cat September 8th - 9th

Dr Mike Konecny - “Studying and Photographing animals in the Galapagos Islands” Marking and improving Cross Country Ski Trails Working on downhill Ski areas chopping firewood Fall

New log bridge had to be built at Stampede Creek Crossing. Some logs were salvageable from wash-out old bridge & new logs had to be dragged by Tom-cat from Meany property to complete the bridge. #2 Pipe Creek Clogged up - Washed out Roadway - Meany gang repositioned washed out Culverts Filled in roadbed to divert water back through culvert pipes. Required transporting front loader from Seattle to parking lot and then driving it 1&fract12; miles to washout spot Snow and extremely heavy rainfall caused many washouts on FS 54 and 420 roads Forest Service working on FS 54 road to make it passable to caught logging equipment above washouts - Meany had to fix FS 420 road without help September 22nd - 23rd

Terry Prichard - Slide show - “Sea Kayaking in Costa Rica” Barbecue - Salmon or Chicken September 29th - 30th

MOFA Refresher Course + CPR (25 students) October 6th - 7th

Auction of ski items - yard sale featuring ski equipment October 13th - 14th

Meany Mushroom weekend - Naturalist Mushroom hunt Coleman Leuthy - Stalking the Wild Mushroom” October 20th - 21st

Liz Northrup - “Summer Backpacking trip through Africa November 3rd - 4th

Steak grilled over wooden coals Winter Dec 26th - 31st

Beginning of Ski Season


Winter January 5th - 6th

Lyle Schaefer & Art Nation Folkdancing Snowboard on drag fixed Tanya cooked January 12th - 13th

60 Boy Scouts came in on Friday night, planning to leave Saturday afternoon Pass closed Saturday & Sunday Boy Scout leaders cooked Tom and Committee members that came up Friday night were only ones who made it up No one else made it to Meany Tom & Scouts drove via Stevens Pass to get Scouts home, Pass opened by the time they got home January 19th - 21th

Popcorn Balls & folkdancing w/lessons Worked on blade mounting bracket of the drag - got snagged; Needed to straighten the welded Saturday evening was game night Anna & Jim’s car wouldn’t stay running Dick Georgene towed it to summit Had it towed from summit to Seattle January 26th - 27th

Tom out of town - Ray drove Sno-Cat Mike Lonergan ran Tows (Weber ill) Don Finrow cooked Bob and Idona made homemade ice cream Catchup class for Downhill Skiing February 2nd - 3rd

Joe Noyes - Cat Driver Tanya cooked Taffy pull & Folkdance Lessons - Linda Bascarine made taffy - went over really well Downhill, Cross-Country & Telemark Ski Lessons February 9th - 10th

Joe Noyes - Cat Driver Mountaineers Players present “Mixed Doubles” - Comedy play Decorate your own cupcakes - Len in charge of frosting Tanya cooked Joe welded exhaust pipe bracket on Sno-cat February 16th - 18th

Friday night - Bob & Idona’s homemade ice cream/refresher bridge Tanya cooked all weekend Saturday - Creative Cartoons February 23rd - 24th

Saturday Video’s “World on Skis” & “Snowboarding” Don Finrow cooked March 2nd - 3rd

Saturday - Telemark clinic Saturday night - Sing along w/Janice Hildman Gockel Tonya cooked March 9th - 10th

Catherine Cunningham cooked “Iron Goat Trail” presented by Ruth Ittner March 16th - 17th

“Crusing the Volga” presented by Jan Waugh Tanya cooked March 23rd - 24th

Catherine Cunningham cooked Niger West Africa w/Phil Christy March 30rd - 31th

Meany closed for Easter





January 9th - 11th
January 16th - 18th
July 16th - 19th