Cat House


In the Industrial Park.


A toolroom. Before the Zoo existed, the first floor was a shop for repair and overhaul of Tom Cat and other snowcats, hence the name, Cat House.




Leveled area to south of ski hut for a work and storage area. Covered the 48 year accumulation of cans and metal at east end of hut. Constructed holding bins in which to store cans and bottles until they can be hauled out in summer. ma78


A tool shed was built to house tractor parts. ma80

Constructed new shop building, 12’ x 12’, 1st floor, 2nd floor and attic. Move all tools and hardware from lodge basement. hw


The shed to house tractor parts was completed. ma82


A small building appeared as if my magic at south side of industrial area in about 1980. The first floor was a shop for repair and overhaul of Tom Cat and Pack Rat, both equipped tractors. Hence the name, Cat House. The committee resisted the idea of placing a red light over the door. nw


It was built in 1980 just south of the Hut and the Industrial Park. It has three levels, the upper two are used for tools and parts storage. The main floor is a shop to support repairs on the Cat, the Rat, Mouse, and all the animals; therefore the name “Cat House”. The committee has so far resisted the idea of installing a red light by the entrance. After the day’s work was done it became the source of Walt Little’s famous boxed “Spring Water”, supplied by Franzia, which he supplied with a mischievous grin.75th