Art Nation

Known For



If they could still muster the energy after dinner, Art Nation would be ready with his fine collection of folk dance records and a helping hand for the novices. ma52


One of the recent outstanding events was the dedication of Lower Slobbovia which was described by Ernie as a “masterpiece,” Dick Merritt as “Mr. Fog Bound,” Joan as a “Bird Watcher” and Roy Snider as “Custodian of All the Out-of-Doors.” There were others too, such as Art Nation, “genius of music and dance,” ma56


Many others contributed to the program. Art Nation fiddled as dancers spun out the nine-pin reel. Steve Stout sang “In the Mountains,” a song he’d just written. The “Impoverished Players” portrayed by three skits 1) the Erection of Meany Hut, 2) Life at the present day Hut, and 3) Meany of the year 2023, with skiers arriving by airbus and being served by a robot. ma78



Special thanks go to musicians Richard Swensson, Art Nation, Lyle Schaefer, Frank Gilbert, Jim Noyes, Roy Wagner, Olemara Peters, and the Speldosan Group. Also the Mountaineer Players presented three delightful performances: The Story Theatre, Who Murdered Who, and a musical review, F.M. at P.M. Thanks also to Jack Reid and Michael Clarke who did great jobs with their slide shows of recent trips. ma79