
A snowmobile owned by Al Alleman and used for errands, thrills, and chills. nw







Mouse: This heavy duty 2-speed snowmobile was bought new by Al Alleman and donated to Meany. It’s used for errands, individual transportation to worksites, etc. and thrills and chills. Dave Claar uses the mouse to tow the track setter for the groomed X-Country trail starting just below the hut.75th


The Mouse was a Yamaha VK540 purchased new by Al. He took care of the machine until he stopped coming to Meany. Phil took over after that so he should have model year etc. I hauled it to the wrecking yard a year or so after Mighty Mouse was acquired. –Mike Lonergan

The VK540 went into production for US distribution in 1988. Knowing Al and that we had an early model, M was probably a 1989 model year. –Mike Lonergan

One Sunday morning Al took me up to the Mt. Francis microwave towers and I skied down the clear cuts by myself coming out about 2 gullies beyond Walt’s Woods. Don’t know if I’d have the nerve to do that now but when you’re young and invulnerable, early 40’s or so. Also had memories of Al Alleman working the #2 rope at Stevens Pass in the mid/late 50’s. –Norm Vigus

Towards the end of Mouse’s life we took the motor out of a newer VK540 from Loup Loup ski trails and installed it in this machine and used it for about 2 more years but it was never completely right after the change of motors. The change of motors was done by one of the Finrow’s and myself. –Phil Christy