North Slobbovia



The north side of Lower Slobbovia. nw



Puget Sound Power and Light ran a transmission line up the center of North Slobbovia, one of the better ski runs. They did this in the mistaken belief that they were using the Bonneville power right-of-way, whereas actually they were on Mountaineer property. The ensuing year was filled with negotiation and threats to physically remove the power line. It was finally settled in August 1963. Meany would grant an easement and PSPL Co. would place power line underground and cut the stumps on “North Slobbovia” flush with the ground. ma78

Puget Power constructed power line up North Slobbovia, under impression they were on BPA easement, actually they trespassed on Meany property. In return for easement, Puget removed pole line, buried 7,000v line, bulldozed and sawed stumps. hw


All stumps have been removed from the transmission line right-of-way known as North and South Slobbovia. ma67