Stu Ferguson


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Snoq. to Meany, email from Stuart Ferguson to J Lamers.

My 1st trip across was in the early 60s. At that time most of the route was timbered. We used a compass to stay on route in the flatter timber areas. We followed the Crest Trail route all the way to Stampede Pass. We climbe dto the top of the Snoq. lodge ski hill and then followed the ridge dropping down and passing near Rockdall LK. At that point one climbs up passing over a ridge and then couriting around the east side of the ridge to Windy Pass. After that the three of us followed the crest trail from Olallie Meadow past Silver Peak. I now start from Hyak parking lot on a Friday night and camp near Twin Lakes. In the morn we climb steeply up the right side of a deep falls to pick up the Crest Trail. Where the Crest Trail turns sharply east (at a small pond) we climb above the trail to the Tinkham PK bench (Tinkham bench ponds). This is a somewhat flat route under the N. face of Tinkham. One can stay jsut far enough away from the cliff to avoid the avalanche danger. This is the best part of the trip. At the far E end of bench there is a very good ski drop to Mirror LK. At the S. end of the lake climb slightly on the right side of lake outlet then drop and contour to the right. A logging road is then followed down in a SW direction curving around to the SE and on down to Yakima Pass. Climbing above the pass a loggin roa is followed up SW curving around to end just below an obvious pass in a clear cut. At the top another road is followed SE down to Meadow Creek. I believe that this is the original race route. On the main valley road pass the first turn off to the right an dtake the next turn to the right crossing a bride over Meado creek. Follow this road taking no turnoffs, passing a nice water fall in a tight timbered gully. This is where we spend the Sat. night. After this camp the road climbs and swings around to a clear cut. At this point leave the road and climb steeply up, S. toward Dandy Pass picking up another old road. Turn right and follow this road across hillside passing the deep steep gully coming down from Dandy Pass. Turn up the clear cut on the right side of creek into timber. The route goes up and around to the right until a deep gully appears on the left. Continue on until you can cross it easily where it comes out of a clear cut. Turn S in a shallow valley. This ends at the pass and the massive clear cut. Contour slightly up left staying on the left of a deep gully. Gain the ridge and turn S along top until a clear cut slope appears on the E side (ones left). Ski down this very good drop to the road at the bottom. Turn right and follow it to the Stampede Pass main road. Follow main road around two switch backs and turn right and up an road turning up and left. This road is followed to its end where the Meany built trail passes over the tunnel top. Travel the shed top and drop ff tot he right skiing down over the fence next to cliff. This puts you at track level. The shorter route with the trail braking starting Friday night gets one to Meany in tie for the best LUNCH on the trail.

I now follow a route that continues up to the Silver Tinkham saddle. The turn up is made at the pond where the Crest Trail turns sharply E below Tinkham. From the saddle we drop the packs and ski up Silver, summit and ski down. Picking up packs we ski the very steep N ridge of Tinkham to the summit. From there it is a very nice ski down to Yakima Pass.75th