Matt, the history of the water pipe is:

  1. The original pipe line was iron (you can still some remnants of it in the road up to the Lane) was installed in approximately 1928 which lasted months (froze in the first winter and split). It was replaced shortly there after and lasted until the early ‘80.
  2. The next action was to place two storage tanks near the dam and replace the existing iron pipe with 2”PVC from the dam to approximately midway between North and Kirkland Park. This took place sometime B/T 1993 and 2003.
  3. The pipe line is about 1300 feet long.
  4. The next installment was to replace the pipe from where it left off in item two above to the Lodge with 2” PVC with shut off valves near the connection point to the pipe in two above. 5, As for costs that is lost in history. The parts and tools (back hoe, pipe etc.) were not collected into one account like a Capital project.

Matt hope this helps.

