Seattle Times, 25 April 1935, 15.
Whlle an organ’s soft music trembled in the hush, friends of Prof. Edmund S. Meany, beloved meinber of the University of Washington taculty, walked by twos and threes into the UniversIty Congregational Church today where Professor Meany’s body lay in state.
A guard of student members of the University Army and Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps stood near the coftin, while vistors saw the body trom 11 o’clock this morning until this afternoon.
Funeral services for Professor Meany will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at Meany Hall on the campus, and for an hour before the last rites are conducted his body again will lie in state in the foyer of the building.
Services will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Harry L. Meyer, pastor of the University Congregational Church, and by the Rev. Dr. H. C. Mason, pastor emeritus of the church. Burial services at Lake View Cemetery after the funeral will be in charge of members of the St. John’s Masonic Lodge, of which Professor Meany was a member.
All University classes will be dismissed at noon tomorrow, and George Bailey, blind musician, will play numbers on the University Chimes from 1 o’clock until 1:30.
Six members of the Mountaineers, of which Professor Meany was an active member for many years, will act as pallbearers tomorrow. They are Edward W. Allen, L. A. Nelson, Ben W. Mooers, Joseph T. Hagard, Peter McGregor and Harry R. Myers.