Railroad Buffs



In February Meany held a Tunnel Party and Great Train Hunt. This was to celebrate 100 years since the first crew arrived at Stampede Pass to begin digging a 2 mile tunnel. Meany is built on the townsite established for the tunnel crews.hr


The most isolated of the properties, Meany Lodge increased its service to The Mountaineers by hosting…Rail Road Buff gatherings, and the ever-popular Wild Mushroom Hunt…ma91


Carste Lein ran a railroad weekend at Meany. An idea for you to explore. We had people from all over attend. It was a railroad buffs weekend. We sold out!

Carste was a club president and a supporter of Meany. He has passed on but his wife who is much younger is still alive as far as I know Dave has stuff in his files about the people to contact and info on what we did. We drove up to Lester and talked with the inhabitants. We looked at old pictures and identified the switchbacks we could see cut into the hillside. It would be great if a railroad weekend could happen with people coming by train one way. Pipe dreams of history and fun!!! –Patti Polinsky

The Northwest rail museum in North Bend are probably the folks that can make a centennial rail trip to Meany a possibility. I have talked to the president once several years ago. They have a Thomas the tank engine trip as well as a christmas trip to Leavenworth every year. –Richard Botts