



A highlight of the ski season was the carnival weekend which featured many corny contests and crazy races, a clowns contest and a “European Feast” complete with German hot potato salad and homemade European pastries, pretzels and breadsticks. Many fancy relish trays with elaborate flowered vegetable “nibbles” and apple swans served from an outdoor snow table is an example of how embellished and painstaking the carnival events were. This fantastic weekend was masterminded by Patti Polinsky. hr


The annual Carnivale di Meany was again a superb event as master-minded by Patti Polinsky. In addition to skiing events there were corny contests and crazy races, a clowns contest, and a “European Feast” complete with German hot potato salad and homemade European pastries, pretzels and breadsticks. hr


The Spring Carnival has an Austrian flavor as Patti Polinsky masterminded “zillertal” activities. This enormous undertaking included a hill-wide scavenger hunt, snow golfing, bow and arrow rivalry, a been carry, slow slalom course, Frisbee toss, snake follow, inner-tube run, kids “costume” parade, an authentic Austrian dinner, a huge “Konditorei” pastry table, a lavish luncheon completer with fancy vegetable nibbles and homemade breadsticks and pretzels and a “lively” folk dance stimulated by Meany’s gifted Musicians. hr


During the spring Carnival, the Average Race was both new and unusual. Everyone went through the race course and got a time. the average was figured and the person closets to the average won the race. hr